- Smile.
- Greet those passing by.
- Introduce yourself and avoid immediately answering the question until you have a name and at least some other information about the person you are dialoguing with.
- Be careful in the words you choose.
- Tell use your personal testimony. It is a powerful tool.
- Be as charitable as possible.
- Use active listening techniques
-Make eye contact.
-Don’t worry about the answer you will give – but truly listen.
- Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
- Invite to parish activities or into meeting to continue the discussion / friendship.
- Try to find common ground.
- Know your limitations.
-The best answer you can give is “I don’t know”, when you don’t know
1 – It is an act of humility, which we all need to practice.
2 – It is an opportunity to follow up with the other person, thus forming
a stronger relationship and another opportunity to evangelize.
- Argue or try to win.
- Feel as if you must continue the discussion if someone loses their cool or if it becomes fruitless.
- Allow emotions to get the best of you.
- Use sarcasm.
- Make fun of another person’s beliefs.
- Cut others off to make your point.
- Be afraid to speak the truth – but do so in kindness and with the right intentions.